Archive | December, 2013

A Victorian Holiday

2 Dec

I started working with the Northwest Autism Foundation as a Program Director a few months ago. It’s an incredible organization with great people focusing on autism prevention, treatment and research. I decided to reach out to past donors as a combination end of year appeal and to get people to reserve tables for our Autism Gala in April. I wanted to send them a holiday remembrance that was handmade, thoughtful and heartfelt.

I knew I had found the perfect project when I stumbled upon Victoria’s Art Visions blog. She made a project with Victorian photos and angel wings on blank puzzle pieces that was truly inspirational.

This craft has many steps, but are totall worth the time and effort. You will need:


Large blank puzzle pieces

Decorative napkins

Old photographs (2″ head shots)

Small squares of cardboard

Sheet music for wings

Various holiday scrapbook stickers.

ModPodge and Elmer’s Glue


Ornament hooks

This project is pretty straight forward. ModPodge is used to decoupage the puzzle pieces with decorative napkins. Holes were drilled. Wings are cut out from sheet music (I have a digital cutter, but there are ready-made alternatives) Photos were sourced from Pinterest .

The best part about this project is that it was simple enough that I could enlist help from my kids, including my daughter’s friends from Thomas Edison High School.


The results were pretty spectacular, and I can be proud to share this with our donors, and hope they know how much old-fashioned love went into these!



And, if you are in the giving spirit, why not check out the Northwest Autism’s Site:




Seasons Greetings!